The assertion of the new paradigms in the archaeological research during the second half of the last century, paved way to new means of analysis of natural and anthropic inhabited in times past, on local or regional level. Their profound and inherently interdisciplinary nature was emphasized by numerous collaborations between archaeologists and scientists from other field of research, many of them designed to underline the interdependence relationship of mankind towards the environment.
Presently, within the scientific milieu dedicated to archaeology, it is universally accepted that the archaeological sites are more than ever being endangered by the natural factor, but, more importantly by the human factor. As a result of their activity, archaeologists are nowadays fully aware of this real problem, acknowledging the necessary use of new investigation methods borrowed from archaeometry. A wise management of the national cultural patrimony aligned to the concept of CRM-cultural resources management, intensely used and applied worldwide, forces the scientific community to employ modern techniques of analysing the archaeological sites, which can be a non-destructive pattern of research suited for all historical cycles.
In other words, the main objective of this project aims at developing and implementing a functional model of applied research based on integrating and improving of non-destructive techniques, while understanding and valuing the complexity of prehistoric archaeological sites.
The choice in limiting the research area at the eastern part of Romania, the Moldavian Plateau, lies in the incredibly rich archaeological potential, which was, until now, rather unequally and insufficiently investigated. This territory, marked by a complex landscape, with diverse forms of relief arranged into a natural and organic geographical unit, represented an auspicious frame for the presence and development of human communities; as a result there is an uninterrupted habitation starting with the dawn of human civilization, from early Palaeolithic (approximately 700.000 BC – 120.000 BC) until present time.
We consider that deciphering and analytical interpretation of the geo-systemic balance from the area through a careful selection of a few prehistoric sites, that are going to be attentively researched using topographic and archaeological cartography, aerial photography, the analysis of spectral images, terrestrial three-dimensional scanning and geo-physics prospections (magnetometry with caesium steams and fluxgate, GPR-ground penetrating radar technology, soil resistivity and electrical tomography) is essential. The unified interpretation of results obtained through GIS, using specific analysis, will decisively contribute to the perception of settlements landscape, as well as to understanding the mechanisms of occupying the land in Prehistory, and obviously offer precious data regarding the relation between human-environment, inherently to any appropriate interdisciplinary archaeological study.
In direct connection with the ideas mentioned above, we will consider the identification, evaluation and monitoring the endangered sites, either by natural or human factors, based on the same unified research model, made up of methods and principles also mentioned above. Moreover, a careful examination of the geomorphological and morphometric features and especially of the dynamics of the erosive processes only completes the obtained information body, which will represent the basis of a predictive model based on coherent and relevant information for this type of research. During the final stage of the project, we will focus on developing a strategy of revaluation and tourism management, mainly in the virtual medium for the prehistoric archaeological sites.