Team leaders

Partner 1 research team leader (P1)

Bodi George, PhD, specialist archaeologists and researcher at the Iasi Insitute of Archaeology

Professional experience in the field of the project:

  • Currently the director of the Prehistory section from the Iași Institute of Archaeology
  • 2010–2013  —  project  manager  of  type-TE  grant  entitled  Integrated  Analysis  of Archaeological, Pedological, Palynological and Archaeozoological Data from Neo-Eneolithic Sites from Eastern Romania, financed by CNCSIS;
  • 2007–2010 — member of Program 4–Partnership in Prioritary Domains research grant no. 1646 entitled Sistem expert arheometric pentru combaterea inteligentă a traficului cu valori ale patrimoniului cultural-istoric,   (manager: Prof. Dr. Mirela Praisler, ―”Dunărea  de Jos” University of Galați);
  • 2001–2003 — member of type-A grant entitled Viaţa şi ambientul comunităţilor eneolitice de  la  est de Carpaţi (cercetări interdisciplinare), financed by CNCSIS (manager: Prof. Dr. Nicolae Ursulescu, ―”Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași);

List of five most important achievements in the field of the project:

  • George  Bodi,  Arheologia  aluvială.  Principii  teoretice  şi  aplicaţii  asupra  aşezării cucuteniene de la Hoiseşti, in Dimensiunea europeană a civilizaţiei eneolitice est-carpatice (ed. Nicolae Ursulescu), Iași, 2007, p. 179-188;
  • George Bodi et al. Preliminary Considerations Regarding the Paleoenvironment in the Hinterland of the Neolithic Habitation-Sites at Isaiia–Balta Popii and Hoiseşti–La Pod, in Transylvanian Review, XIX, Supplement No. 5: 1 – Recent Studies on Past and Present. I.Human Heritage and Community: Archaeology in the Carpathians and Lower Danube Area  From  Prehistory to  the  Early  Medieval Age  (eds.  Radu  Băjenaru, George Bodi, Coriolan Opreanu, Vlad V. Zirra), Zalău, 2010, p. 31-48, ISI-indexed volume;
  • (co-author) – Integrating soil parameters in correlative studies regarding archaeological sites. Interdisciplinary research on Neo-Eneolithic settlements from Romania, in 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, Conference Proceedings vol. IV, 2012, p. 114-124, ISI-indexed volume.

Membership in prestigious professional associations:

  • European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) – member;
  • International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistorical Sciences (UISPP) – member;

Partner 2 research team leader (P2)

Cotiugă Vasile, archaeologist (specialist), history bachelor (1997), history  masters  (1998),  history  PhD  researcher (2009)  and  lecturer at  History  Faculty, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi; manager at Arheo Management SRL.

Professional experience:

  • Project Manager in the PN II-PC no. 92101/1.10.2008 program, Chronology and human interactions during eneolithic in southern Romania. Gumelniţa – key period of European prehistory – sites, known and unknown space: partner “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi.
  • Member in the research project IDEI ID 2119; 2008-2011 (director- assoc. Prof. dr. Buzgar Nicolae) – Pigments‟ studies on artifacts and frescoes of the monasteries using Raman spectroscopy.
  • Member in the research project IDEI ID 2116; 2008-2011- Modeling Neolithic migrations in eastern and south-eastern territories of Romania, in terms of achaeozoology.
  • Member in the Romanian- English research project Research on Trade and Exchange in the  Cucuteni  –  Tripolye  Network  2001-2005  (directors  dr.  John  Chapman,  Duhram University, England and dr. Dan Monah, Archaeology Institute, Iaşi ).

List of three major scientific achievements:

  • (Co-editor)   Interdisciplinary   Research   in   Archaeology.   Proceedings   of   the   First Arheoinvest Congress, 10-11 June 2011, Iaşi, Romania, Edited by Vasile Cotiugă, Ştefan Caliniuc, British Archaeological Reports – International Series 2433, Archaeopress, Oxford, 2012, 246 p., ISBN: 9781407310329;
  • (Co-author) Physical study of the Cucuteni pottery technology, Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 2013, 2, p. 914-925; ISSN: 0305-4403;
  • (Co-author) Identity in diversity: photogrammetry, 3d laser scanning and magnetometric analysis of Gumelniţa tells from Muntenia (Romania), In Vasile Cotiugă, Ştefan Caliniuc (eds.), Interdisciplinarity Research in Archaeology. Proceedings of the First Arheoinvest Congress, 10-11 June 2011, Iaşi, Romania, Oxford, BAR – International Series 2433, Archaeopress, p. 19-36, ISBN: 9781407310329;

Member of international, prestigious and professional associations: World Archaeological Congress, European Association of Archaeologists, Monumenta Perennitatis Iaşi (NGO), The International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences.