Felix-Adrian Tencariu
Felix Adrian Tencariu is an archaeologist interested in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in South-Eastern Europe, with special emphasis on the different issues and topics of the chaine opératoire of prehistoric pottery. During his doctoral studies and afterwards, his research was oriented towards integrating ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology and archaeometry to enhance the archaeological interpretation and help understanding past behaviours and technologies
Field: Archaeology
Research interests: Prehistoric archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology, archaeometry, pottery study, anthropology of salt.
Felix Adrian Tencariu is an archaeologist interested in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in South-Eastern Europe, with special emphasis on the different issues and topics of the chaine opératoire of prehistoric pottery. During his doctoral studies and afterwards, his research was oriented towards integrating ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology and archaeometry to enhance the archaeological interpretation and help understanding past behaviours and technologies.
An important feature of his activity is related to various field research: archaeological excavations (conducted or attended as member of the research team) on several Chalcolithic sites from Moldavia (Isaiia, Târgu Frumos, Costești, Fulgeriș, Tăcuta, Poduri etc.); ethnoarchaeological surveys over the active potters from Moldavia (Iași, Vaslui, Suceava, Bacău and Botoșani counties) and over the nowadays traditional exploitation of the salt resources in Vrancea, Buzău, Prahova, Dâmbovița, Argeș, Vâlcea and Gorj counties; several archaeological experiments related to the prehistoric potter’s craft, with focus on the firing techniques and installations.
- 2013: Postdoctoral studies in History, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. Project title: “The pottery of Cucuteni culture. Ethnoarchaeological, cultural-ecological and experimental perspectives”
- 2009: PhD in History, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. Thesis Title: “Pottery firing installations in pre- and proto-historical civilizations on Romanian territory”
- 2000: BA in History, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi.
Research history
- 2002-2004: principal investigator of a CNCSIS type Td grant – Experimental archaeology. Reconstituting prehistoric burning pottery techniques and installations.
- 2001-2003: member in the team of type A grant Life and environment of eneolithic communities east of Carpathians (interdisciplinary research), financed by CNCSIS;
- 2004-2006: member in the team of type A grant European dimension of eneolithic civilization east of Carpathians, financed by CNCSIS;
- 2006-2009: member in the team of type A grant Religion, art and society in European prehistory, with special regard to the Carpathian area, financed by CNCSIS.
- 2007-2008: member in the team of type A grant Romanian archaeology in European context. Reception of Cucuteni culture in the European prehistoric science until the Second World War, financed by CNCSIS;
- 2007-2009: member in the team of grant ARCHAEOPOLICE. Archeometrical expert system for aptly fighting the illicit traffic of historical-cultural heritage values, financed through program National plan of Research, Development, Innovation II – PARTNERSHIPS;
- 2008-2010: member in the team of grant Chronology and human interaction in eneolithic from southern Romania. Gumelniţa – key period in European prehistory – stations, known and unknown area, financed through program National plan of Research, Development, Inovation II – PARTNERSHIPS;
- 2011-2016 CNCS, PN II IDEI grant The ethno-archaeology of the salt springs and salt mountains from the extra-Carpathian areas of Romania.
- 2014-2017 Project Parteneriate PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-2234, no. 314/2014, Investigaţii non-destructive în situri arheologice complexe. Un model integrat de cercetare aplicată a patrimoniului cultural imobil (PROSPECT)
An important feature of Felix-Adrian Tencariu’s activity is related to various field research: archaeological excavations (conducted or attended as member of the research team) on several Chalcolithic sites from Moldavia (Isaiia, Târgu Frumos, Costești, Fulgeriș, Tăcuta, Poduri etc.); ethnoarchaeological surveys over the active potters from Moldavia (Iași, Vaslui, Suceava, Bacău and Botoșani counties) and over the nowadays traditional exploitation of the salt resources in Vrancea, Buzău, Prahova, Dâmbovița, Argeș, Vâlcea and Gorj counties; several archaeological experiments related to the prehistoric potter’s craft, with focus on the firing techniques and installations.
List of selected publications by Felix-Adrian Tencariu
- Tencariu F.-A. (2015) Instalații de ardere a ceramicii în civilizațiile pre- și protoistorice de pe teritoriul României, Editura Universității “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, ISBN 978-606-714-208-2, 255 p.
- Tencariu Felix-Adrian, Alexianu Marius, Cotiugă Vasile, Vasilache Viorica, Sandu Ion (2015). ‘Briquetage and salt cakes: an experimental approach of a prehistoric technique’. Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 59, July 2015, pp. 118–131, DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2015.04.016. (IF 2015 = 2.255).
- Sandu I. G., Tencariu F.-A., Vornicu D.-M., Sandu A. V., Vornicu A., Vasilache V.and Sandu I. (2014). ’Establishing the archaeo-metallurgic ornamentation process of an axe from the bronze age by OM, SEM-EDX, and Micro-FTIR’. Microscopy Research and Technique, 77, 11: 918–927. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22416 (IF 2014 = 1.13).
- Asăndulesei A., Istina L., Cotiugă V., Tencariu F.A., Caliniuc Ş., Balaur R., Creţu A.-P., Nicu C. and Venedict B. (2012) ‘Cesium magnetometer survey in the Cucuteni settlement of Fulgeriş – La Trei Cireşi, Bacău County, Romania’. Romanian Reports in Physics, 64, 3,: 878-890. (IF 2013 = 1.137)
- Ursulescu N., Tencariu F.-A. (2006). Religie şi magie la est de Carpați acum 7000 de ani. Tezaurul cu obiecte de cult de la Isaiia, Iași, Editura Demiurg, ISBN: 978-973-7603-63-9, 156 p.
- Tencariu F.-A. (2004). ‘Experiments in pottery manufacture’. EuroREA: (Re)construction and Experiment in Archaeology – European Platform, 1: 85-92.
- Ursulescu N., Tencariu F.-A. (2010). ‘New data regarding the architecture of Precucuteni buildings’. In: Proceedings of the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006), Vol 48, Session C35 (edited by Dragoş Gheorghiu), BAR International Series, Oxford: 101-116.
- Tencariu F.-A. (2012). ‘Ceramic ethnoarchaeology: concepts, possibilities, limits’. In: Interdisciplinary Research in Archaeology. Proceedings of the First Arheoinvest Congress, 10–11 June 2011, Iaşi, Romania, (edited by V. Cotiugă, Ş. Caliniuc) BAR International Series 2433, Oxford, Archaeopress, ISBN 978 1 4073 1032 9: 133-138.
- Tencariu F.-A. (2010). ‘Some Thoughts Concerning the Pottery Pyrotechnology in Neolithic and Chalcolithic’. In: Signa Praehistorica. Studia in honorem magistri Attila László septuagesimo anno (edited by Bolohan N., Măţău F., Tencariu F.A.), Editura Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi: 119-140.
- Tencariu F.-A. (2010). Tehnologia arderii ceramicii în preistorie. „Enigme” arheologice, informații etnografice, interpretări etnoarheologice. Revista Arheologică, SN, VI, 2: 147-162.
- Ursulescu N., Tencariu F.-A. (2008). Sur le contexte de découverte de la plastique anthropomorphe précucutenienne. Le cas de l’habitat de Isaiia (dép. de Iaşi). Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, XIII-XIV: 3-24.