Dr Viorica Vasilache is a specialist in the scientific interdisciplinary investigation of cultural heritage goods, including archaeological artefacts made of various materials (metal, wood, bone, etc.).
Field: Chemistry
Research interests: scientific investigation and conservation of cultural heritage goods, obtaining and characterising new solutions for artefact conservation, material study by means of chemical and instrumental analyses.
Dr Viorica Vasilache is a Scientific Researcher Dr. at the Laboratory of Scientific Investigation and Cultural Heritage Conservation, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași and is a specialist in the scientific interdisciplinary investigation of cultural heritage goods, including archaeological artefacts made of various materials (metal, wood, bone, etc.), with more than 20 years experience in the scientific research field. She has published over 100 articles, out of which 60 articles indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters, having an H-index 14. Author of 5 books, has over 15 granted patents and many awards received in international invention exhibitions.
- 2009: PhD in Chemistry, “Gheorghe Asachi” University of Iași. Thesis Title: “New materials and procedures utilized for polychrome wood conservation belonging to cultural heritage”.
- 1994: “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Faculty of Chemistry, specialization: Chemistry – Physical.
- 1990: “Gheorghe Asachi” Polytechnic Institute, Iași, Faculty of Chemical Technology – Chemistry, specialization: Chemistry – Physical.
Research history
- Grant type A, CNCSIS code 423, IDEI, contract no. 127/2007, “Sisteme inovative de investigare științifică și conservare integrată în vederea valorificării și tezaurizării patrimoniului cultural” (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași, Arheoinvest Platform).
- Project Parteneriate no. 71-086/18.09.2007, “Tehnologie moderna de obtinere a straturilor fosfatate de inalta porozitate pentru prelucrarea plastica volumica a pieselor din industria de automobile” (project coordinator: “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iași; partner 2: “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași, Arheoinvest Platform).
- Project BIOTECH no. 04-PP-1076/22.11.2004, “Produse si tehnologii pentru protectia (conservarea) obiectelor de patrimoniu impotriva agentilor biologici daunatori (microorganisme: bacterii, mucegaiuri, ciuperci, alge, etc., insecte: molii, carii, diferite specii de gandaci etc.)” (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași, Faculty of Orthodox Theology).
- Project POSDRU 89/1.5/S/61104, “Științele socio-umaniste in contextul evoluției globalizate – dezvoltarea și implementarea programului de studii și cercetare postdoctorale” (Romanian Academy – Iași branch).
- Project POSDRU 86/1.2/S/62307 no. E 6677/18.08.2010, “Promovarea cercetării științifice din domeniul criminalisticii în activitatea judiciară” (host: “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy of Bucharest; partner: “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași).
Research interests: scientific investigation and conservation of cultural heritage goods, obtaining and characterising new solutions for artefact conservation, material study by means of chemical and instrumental analyses
Dr Viorica Vasilache is a specialist in the scientific interdisciplinary investigation of cultural heritage goods, including archaeological artefacts made of various materials (metal, wood, bone, etc.).
Viorica Vasilache’s preoccupations are in the field of Chemistry, with a focus on conducting interdisciplinary studies and researches for the scientific investigation of archaeological artefacts (metal, ceramics, wood, stone, etc.). The issue of heritage goods made of natural and polychrome wood was the topic of her PhD research, while the postdoctoral program focused on investigating artefacts unearthed from archaeological sites. She has carried out stages and training in optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), colorimetry, FTIR spectrometry, derivatography (TG, DTA, DTG). The results of her scientific work has been published in 44 ISI (Web of Knowledge) and 35 BDI articles, 4 books, 15 patents.
List of selected publications by Viorica Vasilache
- I. Sandu, M. Canache, A.V. Sandu, V. Vasilache, Aerosolii salini în dezvoltarea copiilor, Ed. Universitații Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iași, 2015, 242p;
- I. Sandu, V. Vasilache, F.A. Tencariu, V. Cotiuga, Conservarea Științifică a artefactelor din ceramică, Ed. Univ. “Al.I.Cuza”, (ISBN 978-973-703-6000-1), Iași, 2010, 456 p;
- V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, C. Luca, I.C.A. Sandu, Noutăți privind conservarea științifică a lemnului vechi policrom, Ed. Univ. “Al.I.Cuza”, (ISBN 978-973-703-341-3/978-973-703-343-7), Iași, 2009, 282 p;
- I. Sandu, I.C.A. Sandu, V. Vasilache, M.L. Geaman, Aspecte moderne privind conservarea bunurilor culturale, vol. IV. Determinarea stării de conservare și restaurarea picturilor de șevalet, Ed. Performantica, (ISBN 973-730-048-3 și 973-730-242-7) Iași, 2006, 432 p;
- A. Lobiuc, V. Vasilache, O. Pintilie, T. Stoleru, M. Burducea, M. Oroian, M.M. Zamfirache, Blue and Red LED Illumination Improves Growth and Bioactive Compounds Contents in Acyanic and Cyanic Ocimum basilicum L. Microgreens, Molecules, 2017, 22, 2111; doi:10.3390/molecules22122111, Impact Factor = 3.098;
- P. Spiridon, I.C.A. Sandu, L. Nica, V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, Archaeometric and Chemometric Studies Involved in the Authentication of Old Heritage Artefacts I. Contributions of the Iasi school of Conservation Science, Revista de Chimie, 68, 9, 2017, pp. 2018-2027, Impact Factor = 1,412 (coressponding author);
- S.L. Marin, G. Mardare (Balusescu), M.P., C. Roman, I.G. Sandu, R.I. Olariu, C. Arsene, V. Vasilache, Authentication and Evaluation of the Technique of Minting the Romanian Coins of the 20th Century. I, Revista de Chimie, 68, 9, 2017, pp. 2155-2159, Impact Factor = 1,412 (coressponding author);
- P. Spiridon, I.C.A. Sandu, L. Nica, C.T. Iurcovschi, D.E. Colbu, I.C. Negru, V. Vasilache, R.A. Cristache, I. Sandu, Archaeometric and Chemometric Studies Involved in the Authentication of Old Heritage Artefacts II. Old linden and poplar wood put into work, Revista de Chimie, 68, 10, 2017, pp. 2422-2430, Impact Factor = 1,412 (coressponding author);
- V. Pelin, I. Sandu, S. Gurlui, M. Brinzila, V. Vasilache, I. G. Sandu, Evaluation of the artificial aging rate through UV radiation exposure of indigenous carbonate rocks, treated with water – solvated nano-dispersions, with the interest of consolidation and the formation of a waterproof character, Revista de Chimie, 67, 12, 2568-2572, 2016, Impact Factor = 0,956 (coressponding author);
- V. Vasilache, I.C.A. Sandu, S. Pruteanu, A.T. Caldeira, A.E. Simionescu, I. Sandu, Testing the cleaning effectiveness of new ecological aqueous dispersions applied on old icons, Applied Surface Science, 367, 2016, pp. 70-79, Impact Factor = 3,15;
- V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, C.C. Lazanu, I.G. Sandu, Archaeometalurgical evaluation of two spearheads from the bronze age, International Journal of Conservation Science, 6, 4, 2015, pp. 633-642;
- S. Pruteanu, V. Vasilache, I.C.A. Sandu, A.M. Budu, I. Sandu, Assessment of Cleaning Effectiveness for New Ecological Systems on Ancient Tempera Icon by Complementary Microscopy Techniques, Microscopy Research and Techniques, 77, 12, 2014, pp. 1060-1070, Impact Factor = 1.170;
- G. Sandu, F.A. Tencariu, D.M. Vornicu, A.V. Sandu, A. Vornicu, V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, Establishing the archaeo-metallurgic ornamentation process of an axe from the bronze age by OM, SEM-EDX and micro-FTIR, Microscopy Research and Techniques, 77, 11, 2014, pp. 918-927, Impact Factor = 1.170;
- V. Vasilache, O. Mircea, I.G. Sandu, A.M. Vlad, I.Sandu, Assessment of the conservation state for the preservation and restoration of an archaeological iron artifact, Revista de Chimie, 64, 3, 2013, pp. 294-297, Impact Factor = 0,599;
- V. Vasilache, D. Boghian, A.I Chirculescu, S.C. Enea, I. Sandu, Conservation state assessment and the determination of certain archaeometric characteristics for two bronze items from the early hallstatt period, Revista de Chimie, 64, 2, 2013, pp. 152-157, Impact Factor = 0,599;
- A. Buzatu, Buzgar, G. Damian, V. Vasilache, A.I. Apopei, The determination of the Fe content in natural sphalerites by means of Raman spectroscopy, Vibrational Spectroscopy, 68, 2013, pp. 220–224, Impact Factor = 1,747;
- G. Sandu, O. Mircea, V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, Influence of the Archaeological Environment on Ancient Copper Alloy Artifacts, Microscopy Research and Technique, 75, 12, 2012, p. 1646-1652, Impact Factor = 1.792;
- Mircea, I. Sandu, V. Vasilache, A.V. Sandu, Study of the Atypical Formations in the Corrosion Bulks of an Ancient Bronze Shield, by Optical and Electron Microscopy, Microscopy Research and Technique, 75, 11, 2012, p. 1467-1474, Impact Factor = 1.792;
- Sandu, D. Aparaschivei, Vasilache, I.G. Sandu, O. Mircea, The Archaeometric Characteristics of some Ancient Medical Instruments from the Moesia Inferior Roman Province, Revealed by SEM/EDX and μ-FTIR, Revista de Chimie, 63, 5, 2012, p. 495-500, Impact Factor = 0,599(autor corespondent);
- V. Vasilache, V. Cotiugă, I. Sandu, T.T. Plăcintă, O. Mircea, Study of an Old Coin Set Using Nondistructive Techniques, Key Engineering Materials (Trans Tech Publications), Vol 660, 2015, pp. 396-401, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.660.396;
- V. Pelin, I. Huțanu, E. Borș, V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, M. Brânzilă, Impact on Surface Treatment of Hydrophobic Consolidation Terracotta Ornaments, Key Engineering Materials (Trans Tech Publications), Vol 660, 2015, pp. 369-376, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.660.369;
- M. Munteanu, I. Sandu, V. Vasilache, I. C.A. Sandu, The Study of Ornamental Gildings in Old Tempera Icons,from the XVIII-th Century, Key Engineering Materials (Trans Tech Publications), Vol 660, 2015, pp. 389-395, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.660.389;
- A.–M. Budu, I. Hutanu, V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, O Comportamento do “Shlagmetal” aplicado a diferentes tipos de mordentes, Estudos de Conservacao e Restauro (Porto), 7, SI, 2015, pp. 72-84. ( http://revistas.rcaap.pt/ecr/article/view/9884/7230);
- I. Huțanu, L. Nica, I. Sandu, V. Vasilache, A.V. Sandu, Acrylic Binder Used for the Consolidation of Gilded Surfaces, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 754-755 (2015) pp 624-628, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.754-755.624.
- M. Munteanu, I. Sandu, V. Vasilache, A.V. Sandu, M.M. Al Bakri Abdullah, I.C.A. Sandu, Study of a XVIII-th century triptych: materials and technologies used and conservation state, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 754-755 (2015) pp 644-648, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.754-755.644.
- R.A. Cristache, A.V. Sandu, V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, Thermal Degradation of a Wood Painting Support From XIXth Century, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 754-755 (2015) pp. 703-707, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.754-755.703.
- A.-M. Budu, R. Cristache, A.V. Sandu, V. Vasilache, M.M. Al Bakri Abdullah, I. Sandu, Study of Coloured Lakes Used for the Covering of Silver Leaf in Ecclesial Art of the First Half of 19th Century, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 754-755 (2015) pp. 714-718, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.754-755.714.
- V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, O. Mircea, A.V. Sandu, Study on the Conservation State of a Gilded Silver Coin From XVTH Century, Discovered in Romania, International Journal of Conservation Science, 4, (SI), 2013, pp. 710-714;
- A. Cristache, I. Sandu, V. Vasilache, O.G. Cristache, Anatomical studies used in the evaluation of a panel painting from the xixth century, PROLIGNO (ISSN 2069-7430), 9, (4), 2013, pp. 291-298;
- D. Aparaschivei, V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, A Study on Specific Archaeometric Characteristics of Garment Accessories Found in the Ibida Site, Romania, International Journal of Conservation Science, 3, 1, 2012, pp. 23-32;
- V. Vasilache, D. Aparachivei, I. Sandu, „A Scientific Investigation of the Ancient Jewels Found in the Ibida Site, Romania”, International Journal of Conservation Science, 2, 2, 2011, pp. 117-126;
- I. Sandu, C. Kiss, Gh. Popa, A.V. Sandu, V. Vasilache, V. Sirbu, D.L. Gorgan, I.G. Sandu, G. Drochioiu, D. Poltolincă, Polygraph with integrated co-assistance system and method for testing using it, OSIM registration number A00609/19.08.2013.
- I. Sandu, T. Lupascu, I.C.A. Sandu, V. Vasilache, A.V. Sandu, V. Botan, Method for reproducing a picture with reconstructed image, Patent MD469(Y)/2012-01-31 (AGEPI File a MDS20110079 20100730), Owner: the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău;
- I. Sandu, T. Lupascu, I.C.A. Sandu, V. Vasilache, A.V. Sandu, V. Botan, Procedure for chromatic reintegration of lacunary areas of old paitings, Patent MD409Z/2012.03.31(AGEPI File a MDS20100132 20100730//2010 0132/2010-30-07), Owner: the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău;
- I. Sandu, I.C.A. Sandu, V. Vasilache, A.V. Sandu, I.G. Sandu, Procedeu de reintegrare cromatică a picturilor, Patent RO127086 (A2)/2012.28.02, OSIM File RO000718/09.08.2010, Owner: “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași;
- I.C.A. Sandu., V. Vasilache, I. Sandu, N. Vrinceanu, I.G. Sandu, A.C.Ciocan, A.V. Sandu, Process for actively preserving old water-soaked wood, involves submerging the wood into petroleum-based organic solutions containing specified amounts of tannin and propolis, Patent RO126102-A2/2011-03-30 (OSIM File RO000684/07.09.2009, Owner: “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași);
- I. Sandu, T. Lupascu, C. Luca, V. Vasilache, M. Hayashi, F.D. Vlad, I.G. Sandu, Insectofungicidal composition as an alcohol solution and process for preparing the same, Patent RO123353 (B1)/2011-10-28, OSIM File RO20080000174 20080304, Owner: “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași;
- B.A. Hagiu, A.V. Sandu, T. Lupașcu, M. Chirazi, I. Mangalagiu, I. Sandu, M. Ciobanu, V. Vasilache, Powder with haemostatic and regenerative properties (variants) and process for the production thereof, Patent MD4117(13)B1/10.12.2010 (AGEPI File a 2010 0134/2010.12.03, Owner: the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău;
- I. Sandu, M. Canache, I.G. Sandu, A.V. Sandu, V. Vasilache, Artificial Halochamber with Multiple Users, Patent RO126283-A2/30.05.2011, OSIM File a200900897/05.11.2009, Owner: the Romanian Inventors Forum;
- I. Sandu, M. Canache, T. Lupașcu, I.G. Sandu, A.V. Sandu, V. Vasilache, Surface Artificial Halochamber, Patent MD4040(B1)/2010. 05.31, AGEPI File a20090115/2009.05.11. Owner: the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău;
- C. Bejinariu, I. Sandu, V. Vasilache, I.G. Sandu, M.G. Bejinariu, A.V. Sandu, M. Sohaciu, V. Vasilache, Process for the micro-crystalline phosphate-coating of iron-based metal pieces, Patent RO125457-A2/28.05.2010, OSIM File A/01023/29.12.2008, Owner: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași;
- C. Bejinariu, I. Sandu, C. Predescu, V. Vasilache, C. Munteanu, A.V. Sandu, V. Vasilache, I.G. Sandu, Process for the crystalline lubricating phosphate-coating of iron-based metal pieces, Patent RO125456-A2/28.05.2010, OSIM File A/01022/29.12.2008, Owner: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași;
- I. Sandu, T. Lupașcu, I.C.A. Sandu, V. Vasilache, I.G. Sandu, V. Boțan, A.V. Sandu, A.C. Ciocan, Process for Insectofungicization and Fireproofing of Age-old Artworks, Patent MD4018(G2)/2010.02.26, Dosar AGEPI a 2008 0249/2008.09.30, Owner: the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău);
- I. Sandu, T. Lupașcu, I.C.A. Sandu, V. Vasilache, I.G. Sandu, V. Boțan, A.V. Sandu, A.C. Ciocan, Process for insectofungicization and hydrophobization of age-old wood articles of art, Patent MD3966(B1)/2009.09.30, (AGEPI File a2008 0051/2009/a20080249/30.09.2008, Owner: the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău);
- I. Sandu, T. Lupascu, I.C.A. Sandu, C. Luca, V. Vasilache, I.G. Sandu, M. Hayashi, A.V. Sandu, M. Ciobanu, Method for determining the normal water equilibrium variation domain, Patent MD3713(G2)/2009.05.31 (AGEPI File a 2008 0135/2008.05.19, Owner: the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău);
- I. Sandu, T. Lupascu, C. Luca, V. Vasilache, M. Hayashi, F.D. Vlad, I.G. Sandu, Ecologic organic solution for the insectofungic treatment of the old wood in artefacts, Patent MD3681(G2)/2009.04.30, (AGEPI File a 2008-0050/19.02.2008, Owner: the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău);