- Non-destructive approaches to complex archaeological sites. An integrated applied research model for cultural heritage management (PROSPECT), PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-2234 no. 314/2014, 2014–2016. Funding: 1 250 000 Lei. Project manager. Andrei Asăndulesei.
- The ethno-archaeology of the salt springs and salt mountains from the extra-Carpathian areas of Romania (ETHNOSALRO). CNCS Project code PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0825 No. 219/5.10.2011. Project manager: Marius Alexianu.
- Colonisation in Moesia Inferior. The dynamics of colonization in the civilian and military milieu of the roman province Moesia Inferior. A model of an contrastive approach (CMI). CNCSIS-UEFISCDI project PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0550 no 217/2011. Project manager: Lucrețiu Bîrliba.
- The Archaeology of the Ancient and Medieval Danube Delta: Modelling Environmental and Historical Change (DELTARCH). CNCS project PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0857 No. 216/5.10.2011. Project manager: Octavian Bounegru.
- Relationships between humans and suines in prehistorical and historical time, on the Romania`s territory and connections with the European and Asian spaces. CNCS–UEFISCDI project PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0146 no. 55/05.10.2011. Project manager: Simina Stanc.
- Modelarea migrațiilor neolitice pe teritoriile de est și de sud-est ale României din perspectivă arheozoologică, CNCSIS project PN-II-IDEI, cod 2116/2009. Project manager: Luminița Bejenaru.
- Migration and acculturation in the Romanized eastern European (sec. I-VII AD). CNCS project PN-II-ID-PCE-2008-2274. Project manager: Lucrețiu Bîrliba.
- The salt water springs of Moldavia. The ethnoarchaeology of a polyvalent natural resource (ETHNOSAL). CNCS project PN-II-IDEI, COD 414/2007, NR. 167/2007. Project manager: Marius Alexianu.
- The captation area of the resources of the Histrian territory in Greco-Roman time. An ecochronological approach from the spatial perspective of the Histrian territory (HISTRICHORA). CNCS project code 420/2007. Project manager: Octavian Bounegru.
- Modern methods of interdisciplinary research in the field of archaeology and in cultural and archaeological heritage (INTERARHEO). CNCS contract no. 133 CP/I/14.09.2007. Project manager: Victor Spinei.
- Sisteme inovative de investigare științifică și conservare integrată în vederea valorificării și tezaurizării patrimoniului cultural. CNCSIS grant type A, code 423, IDEI, contract no. 127/2007. Project manager: Ion Sandu.
Internal projects
- Transfer sau adaptare tehnologică? Analiza arheometrică a ceramicii Cucuteni C / Transfer of technological adaptation? The archaeometric analysis of the Cucuteny type C ceramics. Project manager: Florica Mățău.
- Fluvial processes and sediment dynamics of slope channel systems: Impacts of socio economic and climatic change on river system characteristics and related services (FLUMEN). Marie Curie Actions People International Research Staff Exchange Scheme – IRSES. Host institution: Università degli Studi di Firenze. Members involved: Ionuț-Nicu Cristi (coordinator for partner “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi).
- Religion and Art in the Cucuteni–Tripolye Civilization (V-IV Millennia CalBC). CNCS–UEFISCDI project PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0885, no 176/05.10.2011. Host institution: Romanian Academy – Iasi branch, Iași Institute of Archaeology. Members involved: Vasile Cotiugă.
- Genetic evolution: new evidences for the study of interconnected structures. A biomolecular journey around the Carpathians from ancient to medieval times (GENESIS), PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-1153, Nr. Contract: 229/2013, 2013–2016. Host institution: Romanian Academy, Bucharest Institute of Biology. Members involved: Nicolae Bolohan, Florica Mățău.
- Studii privind analiza trasării limitelor ariilor naturale protejate din România şi realizarea de seturi de date în conformitate cu specificaţiile tehnice INSPIRE pentru ariile naturale protejate prin trasarea detaliilor topografice a acestora. Project code: LIMITE-MMSC-Lot 2; Program operațional POS Mediu – Axa prioritară 4. Members involved: Alin Mihu-Pintilie.
- Promovarea cercetării științifice din domeniul criminalisticii în activitatea judiciară. POSDRU project contract no. 86/1.2/S/62307 no. E 6677/18.08.2010. Host institution: “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy of Bucharest. Members involved: Viorica Vasilache.
- Tehnologie modernă de obținere a straturilor fosfatate de înaltă porozitate pentru prelucrarea plastică volumică a pieselor din industria de automobile. Project Parteneriate contract no. 71-086/18.09.2007. Host institution: “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iași. Members involved: Viorica Vasilache.