Florica MĂȚĂU
Florica Mățău is a researcher working on the archaeological and archaeometrical analysis of the firing based technologies (pottery and metallurgy) from Chalcolithic and Bronze Age periods in South-Eastern Europe. Her research focuses on using an interdisciplinary approach in order to extend the questions connected to the creativity, diversity and adaptation which characterizes the metal and pottery artefacts production technology.
Field: Archaeology
Research interests: Praehistoric archaeology, archaeometry, material culture studies, firing based technologies, Bronze Age metallurgy, pottery analysis.
Florica Mățău is a researcher working on the archaeological and archaeometrical analysis of the firing based technologies (pottery and metallurgy) from Chalcolithic and Bronze Age periods in South-Eastern Europe. Her research focuses on using an interdisciplinary approach in order to extend the questions connected to the creativity, diversity and adaptation which characterizes the metal and pottery artefacts production technology.
- 2010–2013: Postdoctoral studies: Faculty of Physics, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Project title “Physical methods applied in archaeology”.
- 2005–2009: PhD, Faculty of History, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Thesis title “Metallurgy and society at the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age in the Lower Danube region”.
- 2003–2005: MA, Faculty of History, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi.
- 1999–2003: BA, Faculty of History, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi.
Research history
- 2014–2015: principal investigator of the “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi research grant GI-2014-09 “Transfer or technological adaptation? Archaeometrical analysis of the Cucuteni C pottery”.
- 2012–present: member in the PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-1153 no. 229/2013, “Genetic Evolution: New Evidences for the Study of Interconnected Structures. A Biomolecular Journey around the Carpathians from Ancient to Medieval Times”.
Research interests: Praehistoric archaeology, archaeometry, material culture studies, firing based technologies, Bronze Age metallurgy, pottery analysis
Florica Mățău is a researcher working on the archaeological and archaeometrical analysis of the firing based technologies (pottery and metallurgy) from Chalcolithic and Bronze Age periods in South-Eastern Europe. Her research focuses on using an interdisciplinary approach in order to extend the questions connected to the creativity, diversity and adaptation which characterizes the metal and pottery artefacts production technology.
By integrating traditional archaeological (context analysis, typological and stylistic analysis) and scientific methods (physico-chemical and microstructural analysis) in the analysis of ordinary and exotic artefacts, she attempts to address issues regarding the extent of craft production and exchange systems in the prehistoric communities.
List of selected publications by Florica Mățău
- Florica Mățău, Determinarea temperaturii de ardere a ceramicii Komariv, in: Bogdan Petru Niculică, Epoca bronzului în Podișul Sucevei, Suceava, Editura Karl A. Romstorfer, ISBN: 978-606-8698-06-9, 2015, p. 246-248.
- Florica Mățău, Determinarea temperaturii de ardere a ceramicii Noua, in: Bogdan Petru Niculică, Epoca bronzului în Podișul Sucevei, Suceava, Editura Karl A. Romstorfer, ISBN: 978-606-8698-06-9, 2015, p. 391-394.
- F. Mățău, V. Nica, A.-L. Matricală, A. Stancu, Technological characteristics of the Cucuteni C pottery from Poduri-Dealul Ghindaru, SAA, XXI/2, 2015, p. 123-147.
- Matau, V. Nica, M. Pintilei, Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of Cucuteni pottery, International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2014. Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Philosophy, Conference proceedings, 1-10 Septembrie 2014, Albena, Bulgaria, 2014, p. 381-391.
- Matau, V. Nica, P. Postolache, I. Ursachi, A. Stancu, Physical study of the Cucuteni pottery technology, Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 2, 2013, p. 914-925; IF = 2.139.
- Salaoru, F. Matau, S. Tașcu, L. Curecheriu, A. Stancu, Effect of thermal treatment on the magnetic properties of ceramic samples from Eastern Romania clay deposits, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 8, 1, 2013, p. 335-346; IF = 1.123.
- Matau, T. Salaoru, V. Nica, P. Postolache, A. Stancu, Cucuteni Culture: A Systematic Study of Pottery Shards, Journal of Advanced Research in Physics, 4, 1, 2013, p. 1-5.
- F. Mățău, Patterns of Deposition. The Metal Artefacts at the End of the Bronze Age and the Beginning of the Iron Age in the Lower Danube Region, in: Signa Praehistorica. Studia in honorem magistri Attila László septuagesimo anno, N. Bolohan, F. Mățău, F.A. Tencariu (eds.), ISBN: 978-973-703-581-3, Iași, 2010, p. 245-265